March 22nd, 2020
An invitation: create some music with me.
I’ve been working on a series of pieces for the last couple months that involves asking people to send me recordings of them saying two words. For each piece, I run their recordings through a mathematical process that gradually transforms the first word into the second word.
My original plan was to ask people I know to send me recordings. I’ve already had contributions from Sam Eastmond, Twila Bakker, Dean Rosenthal and Karin Rosenthal, Misha Penton, Cara Stacey, Alex Nikiporenko, Ben Horner, and my Mum and Dad.
However, after conversations with my dear friend D. Edward Davis and my equally dear brother Tomas Gisby over the last few days, I’ve decided to throw the invite open: in these strange and uncertain times, let's create some new music together.
If you want to join in, here’s what you need to do:
Send me recordings of you saying two words. You get to choose what the words are: words that mean something to you, words you love the sound of, a two word phrase, connected words, unrelated words, words in different languages… it's a completely free choice.
The words don’t need to be of equal duration.
Recordings can be done on a laptop, phone, or whatever device you prefer. File format doesn’t matter. You can send the recordings to me via email or any appropriate social media platform - all the links are up in the top right corner of this page.
Also, write a short explanation of why you’ve chosen these words. For me, the stories behind the choices are every bit as interesting at the words themselves.
RANU 1, with words and stories contributed by Sam Eastmond, Twila Bakker, Daykah, and Misha Penton, Is on Bandcamp.